We offer tools to help with parent burn-out, inability to concentrate at work, exhaustion, getting out the door in the morning, efficiency, tantrums, morning & bedtime hassles, power struggles, back-talk, screentime battles, and lack of motivation.


Our goal at LHC is to bring the most engaging workshops and relevant content to help parents on their parenting path. We build content that leverages the latest in emotional intelligence, classic Adlerian psychology, and Positive Discipline and helps synthesize the abundance of advice available today to give parents solid, simple frameworks to guide them on their parenting journey.

Early Years Foundations

Early childhood (PK - 2nd Grade) is a hectic time for parents and an exhilarating time for their children as they explore, imagine, and discover their world.  New (unexpected) and repeated challenges such as temper tantrums, not listening, defiance, and morning hassles puzzle even the most competent adults.  When we are cognizant of a young child’s motivation and development, we can respond with age-appropriate methods that are kind and firm at the same time and teach 21st-century life skills. In this foundational course, Parents learn practical tools and researched-based strategies to help with behavior challenges. As harmony increases in the household, so will joy, efficiency, and peace of mind.  We can customize this course up to the age of 10. 

The. Best. Summer. Ever.

Are you looking forward to your children getting out of school for the summer and, at the same time, worrying about the lack of structure, late bedtimes, a messy house, too much screen time, academic slips and sibling arguments? This interactive workshop will arm you with plans, positivity, and passion for the summer months. Spend quality time together, create joy, and inspire learning!

Adolescent Foundations

The pace of brain development in adolescence is second only to the toddler years and presents unique learning and life formation opportunities. Parents may be perplexed and bewildered as children enter adolescence.  Backtalk, emotional outbursts, and disorganization are the tip of the iceberg at this age. Parents may be discouraged when they discover that their go-to strategies are no longer effective. Parents have not changed; the children have changed.  In this series, we guide participants through the transition from pilot to co-pilot. We explore solid tactics for communication and connection, management of risky behavior, and the promotion of mental health and well-being.    

Transitioning Back

The pandemic has been a huge time of challenge and growth for ourselves as parents, for our children, and for our family unit. In this course, we help parents digest what has transpired in their life since March of 2020 and leverage the skills they have built for their next challenge - the transition back to in-person work. While difficult, we remind Parents about the Leadership strategies they have acquired and how to use these strategies with their families and work teams. Perfect to support and build community among a parent network during the transition back to in-person work.

Parenting and Technology

Technology has transformed our lives and our children’s education in a myriad of ways. And, parenting in the digital age may invite anxiety, overwhelm, confusion, and conflict. We are raising digital natives who are steps, even miles ahead of us technologically. We worry about the safety of our children and also about the mistakes they may make.  How do we teach our sons and daughters to be responsible and respectful of the power they hold in their hands?  Although each family is unique and there are no perfect answers, there are things that we can do to calm the madness and quell screen time battles. In this three-part series, participants will learn how to set healthy limits on iPad time, video games, and cell phones and how to engage children in constructive conversations around the choices they make. 

Your Child’s Social Life

As children form friendships, parents become aware of the tension this may create as children report teasing, exclusion by “popular” kids, and confidence-crushing cliques. In this interactive workshop, parents will explore the research surrounding “the secret social underworld” of the elementary school child.  Participants will learn about the “labs” that children experiment in every day; playgrounds, parks, classrooms, and any place they gather. What “rules” do children create when they form connections? What role might a parent play? How much worry is too much? How can we separate our child’s experience from our own? How can we help navigate the waves without getting in too deep? Takeaways include empowering language and other tools to help understand and guide healthy friendship development.

Sibling Rivalry

Children learn valuable life skills in the family environment, and some sibling conflict is normal and healthy. They form perceptions due to their birth order and make decisions (behave) based on those perceptions. In this workshop, we explore "private logic," learn the basics and causes of sibling rivalry and collect tools to help with challenges. Participants will leave with ideas for what to do on the spot when conflict erupts and form a plan for teaching their children the skills they need to calm the chaos, self-regulate, and eventually resolve the dispute.


Parents who are interested in becoming Certified Parent Educators are invited to enroll in Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way.


I offer Private Coaching to clients who prefer one on one sessions, either in conjunction with the workshop experience, following the workshop experience, or independent of the workshop experience. The purpose of these sessions is to:

  • Co-create coaching goals

  • Empower and encourage parents through active listening, positive communication, and collaborative problem solving

  • Apply Positive Discipline tools, concepts, and theories to help with behavior challenges

Parents receive a follow-up email within 24 hours of each coaching session that outlines specific tools, strategies, and resources to be practiced throughout the week.

I cannot recommend Lisa enough! I met Lisa through a school workshop and have continued to use her about every six months for help with positive discipline. She is one of the most supportive, encouraging, creative coaches I know. We have learned so much from her over the years. She can help you if you are a parent who is frustrated, disappointed, upset and feels like there is nowhere else to turn when it comes to discipline. Beyond grateful to know Lisa!

- Emily Peterson